Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Personal Developement is Why the Client Comes First


I hope to find you well.

Did you know that technology is changing faster than ever? Of course you do.

With that in mind one can conclude that because of the constant update and change that all professions have to face, we are all in constant learning mode. The space in between learning a new 'thing' and applying it seems to have disappeared. The space I am referring to use to be the moment that we could take a little breather. That breather moment seems to have disappeared for most of us, and many of us have had a hard time trying to reclaim it.

Barry and the rest of the team are aware of this phenomenon and that is why we keep current with the changes and stay on top of the game. We have adopted a model which keeps us on the pulse of innovation, regulation, and the welfare of our clients.

When you consult with us you will find that we will reclaim that 'space' for you so that you can decompress and find some peace of mind. When you hire us you will experience our true calling. Our personal development depends on that our client receive exceptional service, and because we place our personal development high on the hierarchy scale of life, providing exceptional service to our clients is a must.

"Why," might you ask, 'Does this model continue to work so wonderfully well for The Barry Freeland Team and our clients?'

I'd like to answer that with a neat little article I found from Zig Ziglar.

It is placed following the advertisement.
I hope you enjoy it.

-John C. Fleet



The Barry Freeland Team, has come up with several strategies that will put you back in the game and back in the driver’s seat.
We know that you are more than a number, and we will treat you so! My team has already helped out many successful clients get back on top! Because our service is so specialized and once we agree to work together we make ourselves readily accessible, we are limited on the amount of clients we can take in at one time. So call us right away and schedule a free consultation:    
The Barry Freeland Team
Cottage and Castles Real Estate Inc.
17551 Vierra Canyon Rd, Prunedale, CA. 93907 (next to Starbucks)
Office: (831) 449-4642   Mobile: (408) 602-1779

“Don’t forget to ask for your free short-sale package when you come in for your free consultation.”-Barry Freeland

Personal Development or Self-Fulfillment

By Zig Ziglar

There is a vast difference between personal development and self-fulfillment. Self-fulfillment is the Dead Sea. It’s the student who acquires knowledge so he or she can parade that information in front of their peers and society to get accolades. Personal growth is the teacher who acquires the same information so he or she can teach someone else who will benefit from their preparation.
Self-fulfillment is the individual, though there are obviously exceptions to this, who goes to the gym, spends countless hours building the “perfect, sculptured body,” then spends more hours in front of the mirror admiring his or her creation. Personal growth is the athlete who also spends countless hours in preparation so that not only can he or she get individual benefits, but, more importantly, so they can make a significant contribution to the team. A classic example is Kevin Smith, a former member of the defensive backfield for the Dallas Cowboys. He expressed a willingness to structure his contract in consideration of the salary cap so the Cowboys could have money left to sign other important members of the football team. By taking this approach, he helped ensure that the team continues strong. Kevin got a lot of personal satisfaction from that, but you can rest assured that he was extremely popular with his teammates and the media.
Self-fulfillment is the “hooray-for-me, to-heck-with-you, I’m-gonna-do-it-my-way, win through intimidation and look out for number one” mentality. I submit that this is the perfect recipe for an absolutely miserable human being. Real happiness comes when you are able to teach and/or inspire others to be the very best they can be. It’s still true that others can give you pleasure, but you will only be happy when you do things for other people. Think about it. Be a Kevin Smith and I’ll SEE YOU AT THE TOP!

This article was pulled from Zig's Newsletter that can be found by clicking here.http://www.ziglar.com/newsletter/?p=1622

"Have a fabulous and decent day"-Barry and the team

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