Thursday, August 2, 2012

If it Really Feels Like We Care It's Because We Do

The Barry Freeland Team
of Cottage & Castles Real Estate Inc.
"Your Short Sale and Traditional Sale Community Experts"
Office: (831) 449-4642 Mobile: (408) 602-1779
17551 Vierra Canyon Road
Salinas/Prunedale, CA. 93907
On Vierra Canyon Road next to Starbucks

Hello folks,

How are you today?

The other night I was reflecting on my calling of being a salesman and soon began thinking about all the lost opportunities that I created throughout my career; I began to think about why I botched them.
To my recollection, I felt that despite my genuine concern and care for my potential clients, I often failed to 'listen' to them. By showing off and 'tooting my own horn', I failed to realize that the client was not amused. By lacking empathy, I often missed out on getting to know my potential client and getting to know what they actually needed.
How could I provide the genuine service and good that my clients deserved when I would not even bother to know what my client's goals and needs actually where?
I couldn't!
I learned, the hard way, that the perspective client was not there to hear a long winded presentation, and that I was disrespecting them by consuming their time. What the client wanted from me, as their potential consultant, was a confident and trust worthy person that would be respectful and help them meet their goals. What I showed them was an arrogant man trying to force feed them without even knowing if they had allergies.

Don't worry! Those where just part of the perils of  youth and inexperience. I have long since learned from my errors. It seems, however, that many sales people of all ages never learn these lessons. I can't tell you how many times I see sales people with great potential missing out on establishing great relationships because they are caught up in their own affairs and fail to establish a genuine connection.

Our team is designed around a philosophy that helps you actualize your Real Estate dreams and goals by taking 'You' into consideration.
This is why we encourage you to use The Barry Freeland Team for any of your residential Real Estate needs.

Why gamble and use someone who is probably only in it for the sale, when you can use someone who you already know is in it for 'You'?

Following my add, I pasted a cool article that relates to this topic. It will explain what I am talking about a little better.

Hope you like it!


To sign up for our next presentation or for more information you can email:



Ego vs. Empathy: Do you need both?

By Bryan Flanagan

Professional salespeople take pride in themselves and their profession. Professionals are driven to succeed. They work diligently to solve problems and they are focused on results. At the same time, professional salespeople are concerned about the well-being of their prospects. These salespeople develop a deep empathy for prospects and their challenges. A professional salesperson needs to have ego-drive and empathy in equal measure.


Ego-drive shouldn’t be confused with conceit. This attribute is a motivation to achieve success in the sales profession. However, it is more than just a determination to win. It is also a determination to prepare, plan, and position yourself to win. Yes, this includes being competitive and driven, but not to the detriment of others. Ego-drive is bringing others with you as you succeed.


When you tie empathy to ego-drive there is very little danger that you are going to oversell and/or over-promise. With empathy, the sales professional understands the client’s problems and knows exactly how the prospect feels. But because you don’t feel the same way, you have the perspective of backing away from the problem and offering positive solutions. Many sales professionals develop a way to move comfortably from the seller’s side of the table to the buyer’s side.

Psychologist H.M. Greenberg emphasizes that if you are going to build a successful business career, in addition to ego-drive you must also possess empathy for the prospect. When we separate the word business into its component letters, B-U-S-I-N-E-S-S, we find that the U and the I are both in the word. In fact, if U and I were not in business, it would not be business! If you look a bit closer, you will discover that the U comes before the I in business. On closer observation, you’ll also notice that the I is silent. In other words, it is to be seen, not heard. For you to build your professional sales career, you need both the U — the prospect— and the I — the salesperson.

Sales professionals understand this and act on being ego-driven as well as becoming empathetic toward prospects.

Think about it and then go sell somebody something!

This article is an excerpt from the new So, You’re New to Sales book by Bryan Flanagan.

In Conclusion ------->by John Fleet

I can proudly say that by listening actively and providing our expertise service, The Barry Freeland Team has been able to establish excellent long term relationships with many great people and help them achieve their dreams. We are hard working loyal people with high standards who are readily accessible to all our past and present clients. Our knowledge of the market puts us at the top of our game and our superb care for our clients puts us right where you need us.

Bye and have a great day;)




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